Shakespeare’s plays are beautiful, but not everyone can easily, especially when a person reads a play without seeing the play. Still, the drama is better to see on stage, so the main events from the work look much more understandable. Realizing that not everyone will be able to attend the production, the Literaguru team prepared a very short summary of Shakespeare's play Macbeth for the reader's diary.
(366 words) Macbeth is a brave warrior who defeated the Irish and Norwegian. Returning from the battle along with his faithful companion Banco, he meets three witches who predict that he will soon receive the title of Kavdor tan, and then become king. They tell his friend that his descendants will be rulers.
Macbeth does not believe prophecy until the king of Scotland Duncan grants him the title of Tan of Cavdor. An enthusiastic warrior understands that if this prediction came true, then soon he should become the ruler of all the lands of the kingdom. However, the ruler elevates his son Malcolm to the dignity of Prince Comberland. This becomes an obstacle for Macbeth. Now it is much more difficult for him to become a king. Duncan wants to visit the possessions of his subject. The warrior writes a letter to his wife, in which he reports on the prediction of witches. She understands that the spouse does not have enough determination to kill her master, so she begins to persuade him. The king of Scotland arrived at the castle.
Macbeth kills the king at night, and Lady Macbeth’s bloodied dagger lays on Duncan’s servants. Suddenly, the Scottish nobleman MacDouf arrives. People in the castle learn about the murder. The owner in a fit of anger kills the servants who allegedly took the life of the ruler. The sons of Duncan, Malcolm and Donalbine, after what happened decide to run away. Macduff suspects them of killing the king. Macbeth becomes the new ruler of Scotland. He does not want to share the throne. The new king decides to crack down on Banco, whose descendants will rule after the death of the new king. However, Banco's son, Flins, manages to escape from death. Macbeth is crazy. During the feast, he sees the ghost of a murdered man who sits on the royal throne. It seems to him that the nobleman Macduff is opposed to him, because he did not appear at the festival.
Macbeth goes to the witches and finds out her fate from the ghosts. He will be powerful until the Birnam Forest begins to fight. Not a single warrior who was born of a woman can kill him.
Macduff and Malcolm with the army move to Dunsinan, where Macbeth rules. To not be noticed, they are masked by tree branches. So one of the ghost prophecies comes true: the forest began the battle. Lady Macbeth goes crazy and, unable to bear the pangs of conscience, commits suicide. Approaching Dongsinan, the army discards the branches of trees and begins the battle. In the final battle between Macbeth and Macduff, the latter wins. The fact is that the nobleman was excised from his mother’s womb shortly before his natural birth. He chopped off the killer’s head. Malcolm becomes the new king of Scotland.