(502 words) When a person does not have a dream, he is compared with a wingless bird, because dreams reign above us, inspire us with inspiration. When they are not there, people’s craving for flight disappears, since at the top they don’t see the goal that the dream creates. They do not need to move forward, and therefore they stand still, like a bird lacking the ability to fly. To explain my interpretation of the famous phraseological unit, I will give examples from the literature.
In the story of A.P. Chekhov “Ionych”, the hero was an active and purposeful young man who was led by a dream in life. He dreamed that he would become a well-known and sought-after specialist in the field of medicine, and would also develop in other areas of human life, increasing his intellectual and cultural baggage. Of course, he dreamed of love, which shared all his hobbies. But gradually, reality increasingly disappointed him, and he, succumbing to despondency, lost all his dreams. At first he was transferred to service in the outback, where there was no opportunity for cultural and intellectual development. Then he fell in love, but the girl refused him. Yes, and the calling ceased to please him, because patients came to him with the same and boring complaints, which did not contribute to his professional growth. Having lost his dreams, the hero sank down and flabbergasted. Now his leisure was only in the evenings in the gambling house and drinking, and his only passion was hoarding. He lost faith in previous ideals and turned into a limited and passive layman who never started a family, never became what he wanted to be. It really can only be compared to a bird without wings.
In the play by A. Chekhov “Three Sisters”, one of the heroes also dreamed of a scientific career in a big city. However, his life was spent in the Russian outback, and he could not just take and leave for Moscow. Andrei was devoted to science with all his heart, but before realizing his dream, he decided to marry Natasha, who did not differ in her mind, but could create comfort for him in the house. In it, he dreamed of finding support. However, this marriage made Andrei’s dreams impossible. Marital life forced him to work as a secretary in the board in order to provide for his family. There was no question of any science, because the wife and child needed more and more money. Yes, and the woman did not plan to leave her hometown, it was enough for her to survive from the house of her husband's sisters. In addition, she made an affair with the boss Andrei and led a luxurious lifestyle, being his mistress. Then the hero completely lost faith in himself and his dreams, drank himself and became interested in gambling. He, miserable and sinking, can only be compared with a wingless bird, because he is constrained by the inability to fly, and therefore he stands still and looks upward with longing.
Thus, people equate the absence of a dream with a mutilation of a bird to show how a person suffers from the disappearance of a guiding star, which gave him strength and incentive to soar above the ordinary even mentally. His torment is compared with the phantom and psychological pain of a bird, deprived of the ability to fly, as these are phenomena of the same order. Both birds and humans are held captive by the lack of abilities that gave their lives meaning and joy. Without this, their being became only a material existence without a spiritual and emotional content.